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Talent drives business, Diversity is the key

At Augmendev, our foundation is built on the Top 1% of Tech Talent, ensuring we work with the industry's best. Our commitment extends to fostering diversity and inclusivity, actively seeking and supporting diverse talent, especially women and minorities in tech, to drive forward innovation and progress.
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Leaders in diversity

Augmendev scored a remarkable 96/100 diversity point based on hundred of anonymous employee reviews which reflects our commitment to diversity and inclusion.
diversity and inclusion

Ensuring opportunity for All

Augmendev is committed to promoting accessibility to valuable opportunities for talented people, wherever they are. From supporting events, donating to various organizations, and sponsoring underprivileged communities, we have several initiatives to empower individuals everywhere.
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+(39) 028 688 2169

Gender Equality Advocates

Gender equality is a long-standing issue in the Tech industry. But Augmendev is committed to progress. Here are a few steps we’re taking to make tech careers more welcoming to women:
We encourage collaborators to refer diverse candidates to us.
We reward referrals that lead to the successful hiring of female collaborators.
We support and fundraise for Girls in Tech,, and other organizations that make software development accessible to women

Plans are underway

Referrals Program
There’s much more we can do. We’re exploring new ways to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace. We are setting goals and unveiling diversity initiatives centered around the foundation of our business – nurturing the most talented people in the industry.
Please join us by referring talented candidates from all walks of life and helping us welcome them to a company where everyone can thrive.

Thriving because of Differences

Thriving because of Differences

As a global company, Augmendev prides itself on diverse perspectives. Teams of thinkers from multiple backgrounds create brilliant strategies and solutions, enriching projects with valuable insights.

Enhance Creativity

In diverse teams, people have more opportunities to be creative. This leads to faster and more efficient solutions, and, ultimately, better productivity and results. Studies have found that diverse teams make better decisions than individuals 87% of the time.

Business Growth

Diversity has continuously driven Augmendev's growth. In fact, research by Harvard Business Review shows that companies with diverse teams are 45% more likely to report yearly growth in market share and 70% more likely to report capturing a new market.

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